Building on its success story of more than 37 years as a major player in the
infrastructure and telecommunication sector in Saudi Arabia,
DETASAD (Detecon Al Saudia Co. Ltd.) is well positioned to become a driving force in this
exciting transformation of telecommunications and
ICT services in the Kingdom.
DETASAD also known as Detecon Al Saudia Co. Ltd. aims to spearhead the next evolution of technology in this “IoT”
Internet of Things and “Artificial Intelligence” era where yesterday’s
advancements are today’s history and are well prepared with innovative solutions
and products to keep up and surpass the expectations.
With high expectations, comes the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 with its core ideas
revolves around an advancement in technology, digitalization of most services,
support private sectors and providing exciting opportunities for Saudi Arabian talent.
We took it to the heart, to have the vision 2030 as our vision and inspired by the
changes in this beloved country that catered to building on a strong track- record
of our portfolio and competencies in Managed Services, Deployment Solutions,
Connectivity and Corporate Networks-VSAT, and being one of the first to launch and
develop the fully local SAHABA “cloud” service in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. DETASAD’s (Detecon Al Saudia Co. Ltd.) key objectives are to enhance further and expand a leading-edge solution portfolio and to build a dynamic, learning culture. We want to go beyond traditional supplier/customer relationships and become a trusted strategic partner for our public and private customers by providing a leading edge, high-quality end-to-end ICT services and solutions for enabling and transforming their operations, and by 2020 to become the ICT (Information and Communications Technology) provider and employer of choice.
DETASAD believes in “Technology Made in Saudi – for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and beyond.”
Felix Thomas Wass
CEO & President